The other day my sister offered me a discounted tickets to the opening ceremony of the coveted ‘Common Wealth Games’ and I could not help but wonder the unbelievable gullible and tolerant society we have.
After all that has happened, even in a corrupt third world society like India, this scale has been unprecedented. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong and the bureaucrats have the audacity to say its ‘Business as Usual’.
70 freaking thousand crores spent on a damn spectacle of charade in a country where people are dying of starvation, there is no water and electricity, and the basic ends are not met for the majority.
Just to put things in perspective, our country’s annual spend on education is 46,000 crores. Thats a different story, god knows where that goes.
Am I the only one who is crying foul, I hope not?
Dictionary does not have a word for this act? Closest would be ‘ostentatious’ but even in that the end result is spectacular.
I personally feel there is something seriously wrong with our upbringing. We accept the unacceptable with utmost ease and set a new benchmark for the exploiter.
Since birth, kids are taught to touch feet of elders; conformity is bread into our being. Non conformists are labeled and looked down upon. We are conditioned to accept things on ‘as is’ basis, no wonder we were ruled for a period of 300 years by foreigners.
Even in my daily life I see examples in abundance. I see married women with red bruise marks around their forearms wearing ‘chhuddas’ for freaking 01 year looking like clowns.
Speaking your mind is considered controversial.
Feeling comfortable and at home in exploitation is spelling doom day. For me that is a waste of a human life. Dogs feel comfortable, they are suppose to be loyal and faithful and conformists. As a human being it is our right and if you ask me our duty to raise our voice, not take anything on face value, not confirm to preset benchmarks and be independent of compulsions.
The question then comes what can you, with all your lack of authority and limitations as an individual do to change. I am hoping that people get this frustration and sense of helplessness, because that is the start. Only a non conformist, an independent thinker an unconditioned being would feel uncomfortable.
For me answer lies in individual awakening only. Society is nothing but a sum total of individuals. All the big revolutions start from an individual. It just takes one spark to ignite a fire. There is a free man/women hidden inside every person, just need to throw that black blanket of conditioning.
I have personally decided not to be part of this common wealth fiasco and use my energy in motivating more people to boycott this event which is nothing more than a symbol of day light robbery.