Today while on my way to the office, my friend told me about rags to riches story of a Jat man who without any proper educational background made it big all of a sudden due to fate and good fortune.
I feel that any body who believes in God, faith and destiny (90% or more of us) has an amazing escape route available to him. If it didn’t work out, blame it on fate. If somebody did well, that’s because god’s grace was him/her.
Saves you lot of ego. Mr. X is richer than me because destiny wants it that way, he is a lucky bastard, born with a silver spoon and not because he is better than me in any way.
God, faith and destiny are amazing tools to rationalize your failures and downsize the other person’s success.
I feel religion and God has done the biggest damage to human mankind. It has helped individuals to not take responsibility and blame it on a higher authority. Authority that does not exist, that cannot retaliate.
I mean, I tried to blame it on my dad and I realized the hard way when he gave me quite a mouthful putting me back in my place.
I can do it now, since he is no longer there just like god or destiny or fate.
That’s what the world has been doing, blaming it on something, or someone that cannot retaliate. God, dead or docile parents, husband/wife, education (or lack of it), destiny, fate and kismet
Freedom from religion (or any other excuse) is the first step in self realization. When you take the blame on the chin and realize that whatever you are is your own manifestation, that’s when you learn and grow.
I know this much from my experience that I do well in a given field when I know I am solely responsible for it.
When you realize that you create your own destiny, either consciously or sub consciously through your thought becoming action becoming habit becoming character manifesting in reality, then the dependence on god seizes, the blame game ends and you move towards godliness which to me is nothing but reaching a stage where you are at your peak, realizing your potential, working for work’s sake and getting a kick out of it.
Author, Manish Dhawan is a legendary writer famous for his radical and path breaking articles on Life, Spirituality and Women Empowerment. And is a Co-founder and Partner of Mystic Funds, a company promoting entrepreneurship and small business.
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