Whenever you get close to some1, almost automatically u fear of parting ways.
It is like two sides of the same coin. Happiness gives you fear of sadness, joy of gloom and light of darkness. One can’t do without the other.
How many times has this happened to us, whenever we are having a time of our life, and we mention it to anyone, we look to touch wood to make sure that that feeling stays forever.
The reason why one gets this negative feeling is because it is against the law of nature to have some thing permanently.
Nature has predominantly one axiom and that is,’ Change is the only constant’.
And when you get emotionally attached, you try to preserve that feeling forever. You fight against the law.
Fighting against the inevitable leads to frustration. What has started has to end. It works the other way around as well. If you have hit a rock bottom, then the only direction you can go is up.
Life teaches you valuable lessons, if you are a keen observer.
And through these lessons you realize that nothing is permanent. How come we go bonkers about something which we know is not permanent.
One of the reasons for this self destruction is that Heart knows no logic. Even when deep down inside you know that you should not try to possess a thing. You still do. And when this kind of heart based decision making reaches fanatic heights, you hear strange things.
Seers suggest that humans have three layers of thinking. Heart, mind and Supermind or Super conscious.
As long as you are at the first two levels you will always have feelings of possessiveness, jealousy, insecurity, fighting with the nature, not accepting the change.
It is only when you reach a third stage that you see the futility of it all and start differentiating yourself from your own heart and mind. And only in that state you will never be far from any thing to miss it, and nor be close to possess it.
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