
Monday, October 17, 2011

Conflict of Interest.

Conflict of Interest.

Ravi Shastri , Sunil Gavaskar and now Anil Kumble have come under the radar of public eye for running 02 posts which contradict in its motive and therefore have conflict of interest.

After listening to their respective explanations, I am of the opinion that there can be no excuses for holding 02 posts unless you have a vested interest.

The way Ravi Shastri was lambasting the DRS system clearly showed an agenda. At least on 5 occasions he interpreted the whole story in accordance with his convenience and blamed DRS for no apparent reason. (If Rahul Dravid walks out when he was not out, that is not DRS problem)

Now I am willing to give him the benefit of doubt and let us say his integrity is intact and there is nothing he has done in his conscious mind. However, problem with conflict of interest is that it works above the conscious mind. Without realizing, a commentator puts across an agenda and Ravi Shastri subconsciously blasted the DRS system out of the way.

It is a choice a person needs to make. People with integrity and character go out of the way to make sure they are doing everything right . Because when you are in the public eye and a national figure, you are responsible for your subconscious decisions as well.

You cannot be on a payroll of BCCI and also on the commentary team. In fact I have heard BCCI has forcefully planted them in the commentary team and not the TV broadcaster.

Now, as a cricket follower I have no respect for a person who is commenting because he has been hired by a beurocrat and not a private entity. You cannot be termed independent if you are getting paid by the system you are commenting on.

And no matter how honest and full of character your existence has been, an act like this will leave you with questions and blemish on your integrity. Like I said it is a choice you make between ego, money on one side and Integrity on the other.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Anna Hazarre the nagging wife of Indian politics

AI was slouching on my bed watching the Indian Cricket team gathering the remains of the clothes that were torn apart after being sodomized by England when I heard roaring bullets outside my house.

I saw young, energetic India full of vigor and no brains holding the national flag getting ready to support their hero Mr Anna Hazare.

India is an interesting story, and its still unfolding, we have highly misplaced patriotic emotions. (Playing national anthem in a closed movie hall and expecting everyone to stand, I mean common)

I mean what the fuck is happening again, whats the hoo ha about. If I understand the Lokpal bill correctly (and trust me, my comprehension is better than the thousand supporters holding the placards)

In its current form is too strict and leaves no head way for normal public to participate and hazare’s proposal is so naïve and liberal that it will vest the powers in wrong hands and create a autonomous self feeding beast.

Now, I feel that country (or any relationship) is in dire straits if the mode of communication between two parties with difference of opinion is based on blackmail. I mean this is straight out of saas bahu crap isn’t it.

Nagging wife tells her husband that she needs a diamond necklace else there will be no sex. Since Anna has not much to offer on that front (I hope), he is using his nuisance value to get his way.

This ain’t satyagrah, this is like saying my way or the highway. I am not a huge fan of Mahatma Gandhi, while he had immense spiritual qualities he screwed the country at the time of Independence by forcing it to give a fortune to Pakistan again by doing fasting till death crap.

Second point.

What is wrong with corruption if I may ask All these middle class buggers who are protesting against it will be the first ones to be handled pink slips if it actually happens. They breathe corruption day in and day out.

Kunal works with a real estate firm, there will be no contracts awarded to his company without the required grease and the company will cut cost by chucking him off.

Shalini is in academics, if there is no captivation fees, colleges will not invest in infrastructure and her salary will be cut in half.

My sister tells me, people like you don’t do anything and criticize anything good that’s happening. We pay taxes and government should be accountable for that.

For me, this is sheer thanklessness. Little does she know that she paid around Rs 2000/year for 5 years of mastery in Japanese language in lush green awesome infrastructure, awesome faculty and facilities of JNU.

After paying ten odd thousand rupees to the government she has attained education worth well lets say at the modest level of around 25 lakh rupees.

I would urge the youth to consider that as an education loan and pay back the government instead of holding posters, shouting slogans and supporting this joker.

And as far as accountability of taxes is concerned, these buggers are the same set of people who were celebrating the auspicious CWG fiasco (again with national flags in their hand) when money was getting burnt in bundles to attain fake prestige and fame at the expense of the real poor who are the real victims of corruption.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Leap Of Faith

Leap of Faith

They say everybody is cut out to do a thing in his/her life. The purpose of life is to find out what you really love, jump into it and then give it everything you got. Easier said than done.. I have been contemplating this since quite some time and has been paralyzing by analyzing.

After a lot of contemplation, I have found my real calling. However the second stage seems to be the toughest. Jumping into the unknown, leaving the comfort of a regular income (not that cushy these days), and taking a big leap of faith visualizing that everything will fall in place.

Last year's recession and unreasonable target increase gave me a lot of clarity (and in overall scheme of things I thank cosmos for these circumstances) made me think that end of the day I am just another brick in the wall. Disputes department of American Express is a Sweat Shop and mecca of nihilarians.

A laborer in a mass production factory churning cases answerable for number of units/day

having a 5 digit number as my identity.

Jam packed vehicle that dumps me every morning like a cattle.

An access card round my neck to number the cows and control my entry and exit.

Slots for breaks in accordance with my 'business requirements',

A log-in and a log out time.

Begging for my own leaves and getting them on ration.

Switching off my mobile, cutting off from the outside world. Colleagues who at best can be termed as constables with questionable work-life balance calling themselves commandos.

I know a human mind is capable of taking a lot of shit, but common you have to draw a line somewhere.

As they say in the Tata Safari Ad, Slavery has not been abolished, just the name has changed.

While everybody is entitled to their opinion, I feel if anybody thinks that this is what they are cut out to do in their lives, I am afraid they valued theirs real cheap.

Majority of us got into this thinking it as a phase before they leap for their dreams. But before you know, mind stagnates itself to a new comfort zone and days become months become years.

Life is too short to waste on a copy-paste charade we call a job.

I did write a few blogs few months back about the strange ways of the management, and I received an overwhelming response on my email, sms, IMs and even a greeting card telling me what a wonderful thing I have done and how gutsy I am. This does tell a lot about the state of affairs. If calling spade a spade is gutsy, I m afraid we live in a pretty gutless world surrounded by spineless souls.

After getting a G2L3 last year, my salary was raised a whopping 3.8% against the backdrop of double digit inflation that year.

This year with company earning over a billion in quarterly revenues, my raise has been unprecedented 7.02% (G2 L2) again against the backdrop of huge inflation.

So practically my salary was reduced by 9-10% YOY for meeting and in fact exceeding the stiff targets set by the company. And just to rub salt to the wound, the buggers had the audacity to ask for mandatory commandos with a disclaimer that non abiders will be closely watched personally by a fat watchman.

Not surprisingly it worked; slaves thronged the place on weekends. After all, who wants to comprehend scolding in a fake accent?

This was the last nail in the coffin for me, I hope u find yours soon before it is too late.

I know my leaving the company will not have more than a small ripple in an otherwise silent, almost dead, spineless existence where you keep getting exploited and set a new benchmark for the exploiter.

But you cannot blame me for trying all I want to say is, Life is calling… where r U.

For me there are only 02 kind of people in this world. One who dwell deep and find their real reason of existence and do what they are cut out do in their respective lives and the rest are the vast majority who do what they are asked to do, no questions asked.

Today I decide to reclaim my life; I refuse to be pushed around like a herd of sheep.

From Today on, I am free and I will make my own destiny.

As Jesse Livermore once said,

"There are certain chances that the most prudent man is justified in taking, chances that he must take if he wishes to be more than a mercantile mollusk".

You all will be glad to know that I have decided to take that leap and have opened my company, 'Mystic Funds'. A 3 million Seed funding company promoting entrepreneurship and managing derivatives.

World is a small place and incidentally also round…. so Till we meet again. It's a good bye. Take care then Bye- bye now.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I am spineless, what about you,

My first foray into poems.......... take it away!!
I am spineless, what about you,
Life is calling, where are you.

Work-life balance is an alien word,
People working on a weekend are floating turd

Lack of education, mixed with low self esteem
That’s how exploiter skims the cream

I see a sea of people, yet no scream
We are witnessing a death of another dream?

I am spineless, what about you,
Life is calling, where are you.

Human mind is a funny creature,
Remaining in misery is its wonderful feature,

Freedom is costly, but who is asking the price
Right now my miseries are nice

The gate is open, but I can’t go
I am spineless, what about you,
Life is calling, where are you.

Fear of the unknown is the biggest of them all,
To listen to the inner voice, one needs to be tall.
And yes,
Ironically our commandos are too small.

There is Stability in the misery and freedom has the unknown,
No price for guessing which road will reach the thrown.

But ….
I am spineless, what about you,
Life is calling, where are you.

I see people kicking the bucket everyday out of the blue
Yet I think my time is not up as if there is some glue

My time will come, and it will come fast
I gotta make it large, till it lasts.

Life is calling, where are you.
Life is calling, where are you.
Life is calling, where are you.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

God, Faith and Destiny are Hollow punching bags!!

Today while on my way to the office, my friend told me about rags to riches story of a Jat man who without any proper educational background made it big all of a sudden due to fate and good fortune.

I feel that any body who believes in God, faith and destiny (90% or more of us) has an amazing escape route available to him. If it didn’t work out, blame it on fate. If somebody did well, that’s because god’s grace was him/her.

Saves you lot of ego. Mr. X is richer than me because destiny wants it that way, he is a lucky bastard, born with a silver spoon and not because he is better than me in any way.

God, faith and destiny are amazing tools to rationalize your failures and downsize the other person’s success.

I feel religion and God has done the biggest damage to human mankind. It has helped individuals to not take responsibility and blame it on a higher authority. Authority that does not exist, that cannot retaliate.

I mean, I tried to blame it on my dad and I realized the hard way when he gave me quite a mouthful putting me back in my place.

I can do it now, since he is no longer there just like god or destiny or fate.

That’s what the world has been doing, blaming it on something, or someone that cannot retaliate. God, dead or docile parents, husband/wife, education (or lack of it), destiny, fate and kismet

Freedom from religion (or any other excuse) is the first step in self realization. When you take the blame on the chin and realize that whatever you are is your own manifestation, that’s when you learn and grow.

I know this much from my experience that I do well in a given field when I know I am solely responsible for it.

When you realize that you create your own destiny, either consciously or sub consciously through your thought becoming action becoming habit becoming character manifesting in reality, then the dependence on god seizes, the blame game ends and you move towards godliness which to me is nothing but reaching a stage where you are at your peak, realizing your potential, working for work’s sake and getting a kick out of it.

Author, Manish Dhawan is a legendary writer famous for his radical and path breaking articles on Life, Spirituality and Women Empowerment. And is a Co-founder and Partner of Mystic Funds, a company promoting entrepreneurship and small business.