I did a 20 minute exercise suggested by Steve Pavlina
and had a considerable success in getting a more clear picture in my mind.
I firmly believe that every individual irrespective of its creed, cast, color and status is cut out to do a thing in his/her life.
That can be termed as his dharma or in layman terms, ‘purpose in life’.
After writing a total of 14 building thoughts, I came up with my Purpose in Life statement.
‘To be an individual who is unscathed by surroundings, a peaceful and charming wanderer, who brings social change by empowering individuals’.
I know since a person is evolving all the time, so does his/her purpose. And since change is the only constant, I will have to re-look at it after some passage of time. But for time being this is the closest I can think of what I reckon is why I came here.
Unscathed by surrounding based on my life learning of the fable, ‘”This too shall pass”
Peaceful and charming are the traits I relate to very high in my book. Wanderer takes care of my knack and liking for exploring new places, people and food.